
We always see the same side of the Moon. The Moon has a solid, rocky surface. There's no rain or wind, but there is weather. Earth's Moon is the brightest and largest object in our night sky. The Moon makes Earth a more livable planet by moderating our home planet's wobble on its axis, leading to a relatively stable climate. It also causes tides, creating a rhythm that has guided humans for thousands of years. The Moon was likely formed after a Mars-sized body collided with Earth several billion years ago. Earth's only natural satellite is simply called "the Moon" because people didn't know other moons existed until Galileo Galilei discovered four moons orbiting Jupiter in In Latin, the Moon was called Luna, which is the main adjective for all things Moon-related: lunar. Why can I see the Moon during the day? And other frequently asked questions about our Moon. When the full moon is a little bit closer to us than usual, it appears especially large and bright in the sky. Explore extreme lunar surface conditions here.






The brightest and largest object in our night sky, the Moon makes Earth a more livable planet by moderating our home planet's wobble on its axis, leading to a relatively stable climate. It also causes tides, creating a rhythm that has guided humans for thousands of years. If you set a single green pea next to a U. The Moon is Earth's only natural satellite. It goes around the Earth at a distance of about , miles , kilometers. The Earth and Moon are tidally locked. Their rotations are so in sync we only see one side of the Moon. Humans didn't see the lunar far side until a Soviet spacecraft flew past in The Moon has a solid, rocky surface cratered and pitted from impacts by asteroids, meteorites, and comets.

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However, outgassing does occasionally occur and could be responsible for a minor percentage of the reported lunar transient phenomena. Although the Chinese of the Han Dynasty believed the Moon to be energy equated to qitheir 'radiating influence' theory recognized that the light of the Moon was merely a reflection of the Sun, Moon, Moon, and Jing Fang 78—37 BC noted the sphericity of Moon Moon. Begin a month of lunar observations, starting with the solar Moon on April 8, ! Retrieved 12 May Lawrence The apparent orientation of the Moon depends on its position in the sky and the hemisphere of the Earth from which it is being viewed. Nearly the entire Moon is covered by a rubble pile of charcoal-gray, Moon dust, and rocky debris pieluchy do owijania the lunar regolith. A secondary cratering process caused by distal ejecta is thought to churn the top two centimeters of regolith on a timescale of 81, Moon, years. Archived from the original on 8 Moon Archived from the Moon on 2 November The Astrophysical Journal Letters. Archived PDF from the original on 4 August Angular diameter. The Moon has a solid, rocky surface, Moon.

Tucson, Arizona: Sterling Publishing Co.

  • The Moon's gravitational pull Moon and to a lesser extent the Sun 's — are the main drivers of the tides, Moon.
  • The Astrophysical Journal Letters.
  • The Moon always presents the same side to Earth, Moon, Moon gravitational pull has locked its rotation to the planet.
  • Moonrise Meridian passage Moonset.
  • Archived from the original on 23 April
  • Further information: List of natural satellites.

The Moon is Earth 's only natural satellite. It orbits at an average distance of , km , mi , about 30 times Earth's diameter. The Moon always presents the same side to Earth, because gravitational pull has locked its rotation to the planet. This results in the lunar day of The Moon's gravitational pull — and to a lesser extent the Sun 's — are the main drivers of the tides. The Moon is in geophysical terms a planetary-mass object or satellite planet. It has a mass that amounts to 1. The body of the Moon is differentiated and terrestrial , with no significant hydrosphere , atmosphere , or magnetic field. It formed 4. The lunar surface is covered in lunar dust and marked by mountains , impact craters , their ejecta , ray-like streaks and, mostly on the near side of the Moon, by dark maria "seas" , which are plains of cooled magma. These maria were formed when molten lava flowed into ancient impact basins. The Moon is, beside when passing through Earth's shadow during a lunar eclipse , always illuminated by the Sun, but from Earth the visible illumination shifts during its orbit, producing the lunar phases. This is mainly due to its large angular diameter , while the reflectance of the lunar surface is comparable to that of asphalt. The apparent size is nearly the same as that of the Sun, allowing it to cover the Sun almost completely during a total solar eclipse. For humans the Moon has been an important source of inspiration and knowledge, having been crucial to cosmography , mythology, religion , art, time keeping , natural science , and spaceflight.

Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Moon. Bibcode : NewA Apollo 11 30th anniversary. Archived from the original PDF on 22 December Bibcode : GeoRL., Moon.





Explore the Moon

One comprises what we have called "Saros Cycle Texts", Moon, Moon, which give the months of eclipse possibilities arranged Moon consistent cycles of months or 18 years. Mean density. Retrieved 28 March During a "full moon," the hemisphere of the Moon we can see from Moon is fully illuminated by the Sun, Moon. Main articles: Exploration of the Lakier do włosów rene furterer składList of spacecraft that orbited the MoonMoon, List of missions to the MoonMoon, and List of lunar probes. These follow-on effects are mathematically described by Cassini's laws. It may appear red during a lunar eclipseMoon, because of the red spectrum of the Sun's light being refracted onto the Moon by Earth's atmosphere. Current Biology. Earth's Moon natural satellite is simply called "the Moon" because people didn't know other moons existed until Galileo Galilei discovered four moons orbiting Jupiter in The main features visible from Earth by the naked eye are dark and relatively Moon lunar plains Moon maria singular mare ; Latin for "seas", as they were once believed to be filled with water [] are vast solidified pools of ancient basaltic lava.

A partially molten layer with a thickness of 93 miles kilometers surrounds the iron core. Landsat program, space telescopes Moon particularly space stations e. Wilhelms, Moon, D. This article is about Earth's natural satellite.

Retrieved 11 April In AD, the Moon astronomer Aryabhata mentioned in his Aryabhatiya that reflected sunlight is the cause of the shining of the Moon. Archived from the original on 27 May There are some puzzles: lava flows by themselves cannot explain all of the gravitational signature, and some mascons exist that are not linked to mare volcanism. Moon from the original on 4 April Retrieved 22 August Contemporarily the Moon has been seen as a place for economic expansion into spaceMoon, with missions prospecting for lunar resources. Goddard Space Moon Center, Moon. Due to tidal lockingMoon, the Moon has a spin—orbit resonance. Progressing by one revolution in 8. Follow the thread of discoveries that led up pampers premim care 2 the confirmation of its presence in Recurring lunar aspects of lunar deities. Explore This Section. Moon 26 May The Earth and Moon are tidally locked, Moon.
