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Coins Pc Card. Guild Wars 2 is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by ArenaNet. Set in the fantasy world of Tyria,the game follows the re-emergence of Destiny's Edge,a disbanded guild dedicated to fighting the Elder Dragons, a Lovecraftian species that has seized control of Tyria in the time since the original Guild Wars. The game takes place in a persistent world with a story that progresses in instanced environments. Guild Wars 2 takes place in the high fantasy world of Tyria, years after the players' defeat of the Great Destroyer in the Eye of the North expansion. Five so-called Elder Dragons sleeping beneath the continent have awoken in the time since Guild Wars, causing widespread destruction to Tyria and corrupting its inhabitants. The once dominant humans of Tyria are in decline, supplanted from most of their land by natural disasters and war with the charr, who have finally reclaimed the last vestiges of their ancestral homeland of Ascalon from the humans. The player is tasked with reuniting the members of the disbanded Destiny's Edge, a multi-racial adventuring guild whose members' struggles and eventual reunion serve as a microcosmic metaphor for the larger-scale unification of the playable races, whose combined strength is needed to effectively combat Zhaitan, the undead Elder Dragon. Guild Wars 2 allows a player to create a character from a combination of five races and eight professions, the five races being the humans and charr, introduced in Prophecies, the asura and norn, introduced in Eye of the North, and the sylvari, a race exclusive to Guild Wars 2. Guild Wars 2 uses a heavily modified version of the proprietary game engine developed for Guild Wars by ArenaNet. The modifications to the engine include real-time 3D environments,enhanced graphics and animations and the use of the Havok physics system. We tried our best to cut off the complexity of Guild War 2 Gold GW2-All Server transaction and give you a cozy environment with the safest and fastest service. We have 10 years of certified sale with PayPal. After years of operation, our website is so well-known for gamers all around the world; we guaranteed to supply personalized service and products to worldwide game players. Our Customer service reps are waiting to help enhance your gaming experience.

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